the guidelines
Openness and honesty from all users are essential for this site to be as beneficial as humanly possible. But that means everyone needs to abide by some basic courtesies.
- Be as polite as you would be if you were in the same room as someone.
- This isn't the place to sell things or push political opinions. No posting of links.
- Focus on the problem, not the person. Personal criticism won't be tolerated.
- We do not moderate so rely on users to tell us about anything they feel contravenes these guidelines or basic human decency
- If you are responding to a request for help then make sure that whatever advice you offer is guided by a well-meaning heart.
- Swearing is not necessary - there's always another word you can use.
- Anything illegal, or inciting illegality, or hateful in any way to any group will be removed immediately and, if deemed necessary, reported to law enforcement authorities.